Bonus: Learn how to use the voice assistant

Boomerang offers support for numerous voice commands. To give voice commands, simply tap the Microphone Icon inside the app, and tell Boomerang what you want!  

Here are some sample phrases to get you started:

Brief Me: gives you a summary of your agenda, plus important and relevant messages that need your attention.
  • Brief me!
Find Me / Show Me: searches for emails with specific criteria.
  • Find me emails from Roger with attachments
  • Find me all the emails with pictures from February
  • Where are the messages from yesterday?
  • What emails do I have from Google?
  • What are the emails waiting for my reply?
  • What's Cody's phone number?
  • What's Emily's address?
Bulk Actions On Messages: allows you to take action on multiple messages at once.
  • Delete all promotional emails from yesterday
  • Archive all messages from Tuesday
  • Mark all marketing emails I got today as read
Show Agenda: gives you an overview of upcoming events on your agenda.
  • What's my agenda today?
  • What am I doing today?
  • What meetings do I have tomorrow?
  • What’s on my calendar on December 7th?
Reschedule: reschedules events on your calendar and creates email drafts on your behalf, addressed to meeting participants.
  • Reschedule my meeting at 2 PM
  • Reschedule tomorrow’s meeting with Frank
Running Late: creates email drafts on your behalf, addressed to meeting participants informing them that you'll be running late. Just press send!
  • Tell John I’m running late
  • Email Sarah I am 10 minutes behind
  • Let Martin know I’m 15 minutes late
Cancel: cancels events on your calendar and creates email drafts on your behalf, addressed to meeting participants.
  • Cancel my next meeting
  • Cancel my meeting at 2 o’clock
Clear: frees up your day, by cancelling scheduled events and creating email drafts on your behalf, addressed to meeting participants.
  • Clear my schedule today
Inbox Pause: stop new email from coming into your Inbox until you're ready for it.
  • Pause my Inbox
  • Unpause my Inbox
  • Pause my Inbox until tomorrow at 8am
Create event: organize new events and add attendees.
  • Create a meeting for 5 pm
  • Schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 1

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